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Sunday, August 23, 2020
This paper will attempt to explain the plight face Essays
This paper will endeavor to clarify the predicament looked by one of the biggest, most helpless populaces in America today: the destitute, and how the McKinney Act has influenced it. This out-bunch faces numerous hardships and a wide range of approaches have been established both aiding and hurting their general wellbeing.Policies Implemented For HomelessMany social government assistance arrangements have been instituted over the span of history to endeavor to manage the ever present issue of vagrancy. Beginning at the primary far reaching endeavor by the administration with the usage of the Elizabethan Poor Law, which set the predicament of the poor into the domain of obligations of the network; and fills in as the very reason for our idea today of what government assistance ought to be. It set apart the commendable and those esteemed the shameful poor, it set up indoor help for the individuals who apparently had caused their own mishaps through almshouses or open air alleviation fo r the widows and youngsters who had done nothing themselves to realize their hardships that kept them in their own homes. (Jansson, 2013)The appearance of the main Charity Organizations realized another perspective about how to manage the issue of vagrancy; it supported helping the poor increase fundamental abilities and information instead of a transitory arrangement of just tossing cash towards the issue. Numerous settlement houses were set up, and here individuals were housed and prepared in work aptitudes and network ties were manufactured (Jansson, 2013).After the Great Depression left the United States with quantities of poor and destitute already concealed, President Roosevelt authorized The New Deal which was to turn into the start of the government assistance state as we probably am aware it today (Jansson, 2013). Various projects were created from Social Security which is still in presence today that gave the old a month to month salary to help shield them from winding up destitute and in the city, to the Civilian Conservation Corps, a work alleviation program which manufactured a significant number of our fabulous parks where we despite everything appreciate the structures they fabricated today, and it gave lodging and work to many, numerous men.In the 1990's a stage back was made when subsidizing was cut and social government assistance changes were instituted like those with Temporary Assistance to Needy Families or TANF, that restricted the time and measure of help one and their family could get (Jansson, 2013). Accordingly the quantity of destitute has risen forcefully from that point forward. McKinney Act's ImpactOne approach specifically however, has enormously affected the destitute populace. This was the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987. This was the first, and to date still the main significant government authoritative reaction to vagrancy (NCH, 2006) . Destitute Population and ProblemsDuring the 1980's the United States saw a sharp increment in the quantity of individuals getting destitute, numerous individuals were influenced as the central government pulled back financing for low pay lodging and social help programs for low salary families and the intellectually sick (Center for Public Interest Research, nd). The Regan organization didn't feel that it was the governments spot to intercede in the issue nonetheless (NCH, 2006).The objection from advocates for the destitute populace put incredible focus on the legislature however, and in 1986 Title I of the Homeless Person's Survival Act was brought into Congress. It was passed and marked into law by President Regan on July 22, 1987 yet simply after a serious battle by advocates for the destitute (HUD, 2013). After the demise of the central Republican support Representative Stewart B. McKinney of Connecticut it was renamed the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (Hope, 2013).People and families are destitute for any number of reasons, in spi te of the fact that the essential one is monetary (Center for Public Interest Research, nd). Without satisfactory training numerous individuals can't get by wage, as the average cost for basic items has expanded every year while pay has not. These individuals can't discover moderate lodging. The absence of reasonable social insurance contributes also to the issue of vagrancy; a startling ailment can flip around accounts leaving families out of nowhere destitute (Center for Public Interest Research, nd). Political factors additionally play
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Influence of the Western Culture on the Essay Example
The Influence of the Western Culture on the Essay Presentation Culture is a wide term which has been depicted by different thinkers since decades. It has been guaranteed by Raymond Williams to be â€Å"†¦one of the a few most convoluted words in English language†(Williams, 1976). Various meanings of the term, culture may have particular engaging ways and basis to assess human action. It is essential to characterize the expansive base of the complex term ‘culture’, in the sense utilized later in the paper, to limit the conversation on our theme. Culture is a word originating from a Latin word ‘cultura’ which intends to develop (Harper, 2008). It is characterized by Findley and Rothney as, â€Å"systems of images and implications that even their maker challenge, which need fixed limits, that are continually in transition, and that collaborate and contend with each other (Findley Rothney, 2006). This is the defination of culture I would use here on. The creators portray culture to be an arrangement of images having obscured boundries. The curx anyway is to perceive how would we perceive these arrangement of images? The response to this inquiry is given by Williams who says that culture can be judged or implanted in music, literature,lifestyle, painting and sculputure,theater and film and comparable things (Williams, 1976). These measurements are regular to all societies. In the foreface of the quick globalization and the communication before, these elements of different societies are regularly impacted by one another. The accompanying Paper talks about the impact of the components of western culture to the individual elements of the subcontinental culture and the other way around. We will compose a custom article test on The Influence of the Western Culture on the explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on The Influence of the Western Culture on the explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on The Influence of the Western Culture on the explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The subcontinential culture, is the way of life refering toward the South Asian locale which incorporates the cutting edge India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Sirilanka. The major influene on the subcontinental cultrue started things out with the appearance of the British in India in the mid 1600’s. The British carried with them the remainder of Western culture customs and conventions. The customary religions and cutltures in the subcontinent were gradually undermined. The transformation of individuals from the prevailent religion in the subcontinent assumed a significant job in the adjustment in the customary culture. The believers to chiristanity were urged not exclusively to surrender their religion yet in addition their conventions and societies. A fine christian proselyte would dress like an Englishman and impersonate English conduct in every way. In this manner the proselytes to Christanity were light to think carry on and live like the Englishmen. The English training framework was introducced by the then Governer Generals’ chamber in Calcutta (East India) 1 The impact of the western culture on the Sub mainland culture and the other way around Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800 1859), planned for delivering Indians who were English in taste. This dynamic framework was actualized all over India giving Western instruction. To the Sub landmass individuals, this was seen as significantly more of an edification than abuse as possible go to montages worked by outside rulers. It gave them the quality of getting increasingly socialized, normal and present day by gaining the information. This is additionally one reason of no huge beginning protection from the move in the social qualities (Sundaram, 2006). This broad instructive projects came about into all around read sub landmass researchers and scholars. In the late 1800’s the writing began to proceed and delivered considerably more compositions in English by neighborhood individuals than any time in recent memory. It additionally brought forth outstanding authors, for example, Bharati Mukherjee and Jhumpa Lahiri. Globalization of the world has had its impact on the sub mainland culture also. In a cutting edge situation individuals are in a split second associated and speaking with one another than any time in recent memory. The items delivered in one piece of the world are effectively accessible in the other part and worldwide voyaging has quite recently become a standard. The world is reliant today and we are living in a period where data voyages like the speed of light. While a few people may feel that globalization is just about making business with no limitations, it is significantly more than that. Simultaneously Globalization permits various societies to consolidate and coordinate through having basic social activists, work coordinators, columnists, scholastics and numerous others (Sundaram, 2006). Music, theater and the film business has likewise been extensively impacted by the expanded globalization. Music has been an inside stone of the sub mainland foundation. It has been traditionaly been founded on the basic songs and is viewed as one of the most very much created frameworks of the old style world. The old style beats of the ordinary music give the genuine social and the conventional taste to the sub mainland music. Later in the thirteenth Centruy the sub mainland music stayed affected by the Islamic nearness. There is a group who accepts that the exemplary sub mainland conventional music goes back to Amir Khusro, one of the artists in the Mughal Empire. The astounding verse by some well known writers carried the conventional music to new hieghts. Anyway the principal impact of the sub mainland music of such kind was broadly apparent in the 1960’s when it discovered its way as some additional standard play of the sitar (a voiln type instrument) by Ravi Shankar on the well known Beatles collection, Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. The sub mainland music advanced into the west with the notable players, for example, Ravi Shankar and Ali Akbar Khan. This was the first occasion when that the Sub mainland music began to gain Western understudies. The old style music 2 The impact of the western culture on the Sub mainland culture and the other way around was brought to the consideration of the western world (Manas, 2006). Indeed, even today we see hints of the old style sub mainland music in the rap tunes, for example, the Indian woodwind sung by Timbaland. There are different vocalists who utilize the cadenced Sub mainland beats in their music. Ghazals, the idyllic creations that yearn more than do well known film melodies to graceful characteristics are likewise famous among the west: the subject here is typically the misfortune, memory, and recognition of affection. A prime case of the impact toward the west is the renowned Ghazal vocalist Nusrat Fateh Ali khan. He has been the â€Å"king of Qawalis†as he is marked in Pakistan. Mr. Khan’s mainstream work (Qawalis/Ghazals) has been a piece of worldwide books, arrangement, plays and motion pictures. His celebrated melodies have been played in the well known film Bend it like Beckham, the TV arrangement Sex and the City and different other universal stages. The social music of the sub landmass has along these lines impacted the western film and music in an unobtrusive however evident manner (Manas, 2006). This doesn't end here, the customary beats of the Punjabi Bhangra move were/are progressively being remixed by different south asian Dj’s to add an alternate intercultureal flavor to the conventional Bhangara. The conventional beats of the bhangra move are blended in with house, reggae and hip-jump to make a newsensation to the music. These remixes turned out to be immesnsely well known in the Uk and the USA before the finish of the 90’s. One of the popular groups which brought about this combination of social music was the Punjabi MC, whose tunes are a piece of the playlists in practically all the circle clubs in the western culture. It is anything but difficult to see here how the combination of the music style as far as different generes of raggae, Rap or hip-jump assaults the fundamentalism of the sub mainland music. By delivering such music the specialists put the racial signifiers of being basically sub mainland or south asian in danger. Since the bhangra music is a sort of music signiying the district of south asia (sub landmass), this dissemination of the music with the coordination of western components makes debates of personality and the responsibility for remixed music. Then again be that as it may, the remixed veriosn of the bhangra music offers the dislodged sub landmass individuals for the most part in the USA and the UK an approach to communicate in a western culture. This offers them a channel to demonstrate that their remixed adaptation of the bhangra has been an exertion through social challenges and is really valid. This doesn't end here, one next to the other the impact of the Western Music has additionally eclipsed the Sub mainland melodic industry. The Sub mainland music has become under expanded impact of the western â€Å"rock and pop†culture. This is basically valid for the more youthful age who lean toward westeren music over the sub mainland numbers. The whole procedure of making music has additionally been westerenised. The spotlight presently isn't on live exhibitions of ability and intruments however more on back stage counterfeit control of the 3 The impact of the western culture on the Sub mainland culture and the other way around sounds which apeal to the changing requests of the new age (Sabharwal, 2007). As indicated by the Times of India meagazine just about 80 percent of the melodies played in the sub landmass today are of westeren impact. Aadesh Srivastava, an eminent Indian music executive contends that the Indian music has been harmed by the â€Å"cut-duplicate glue culture†, whereby the chiefs duplicate the subject and the embodiment of the music to repeat it with a trace of change. This
Friday, August 21, 2020
International Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Worldwide Business - Assignment Example favorable circumstances and better advertising position where the same number of firms have bombed in their worldwide extension endeavors as they didn’t regard the essential principles instilled in the basic business situations. In today’s progressively serious and universal free market economy settings, transnational trading of innovation, foundation and segment development have gotten progressively significant (Johnson and Turner, 2003, p. 1). A definitive result of this developing significance of universal business is that a client, regardless of whether he lives in Europe, Asia, Africa or Australia, will be acquainted with an enormous number of world-class brands like Apple, Cadbury, Coca-cola, Dell, Ford, HP, Nestle, Nokia, Toyota, etc. The impact of globalization is that new brands are apparently brought into the world worldwide, For this examination paper, Apple Inc-explicitly its Smartphone segment has been decided to direct definite investigation on the writing identified with the worldwide business and hierarchical components. This examination paper presents an investigation on inward and outside condition of the picked association Apple Inc and analyzes its methodologies for universal advertising regarding viability and convenience for its global activity. Macintosh inc, established by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne during the 1970s is one of the most globally persuasive and exceptionally effective organizations of today. It is an American worldwide organization that structures, makes and markets PCs, convenient music players, mobile phones, programming, PC fringe and administrations. It advertises through its own retailing, online stores and outsider venders (Sander and Slatter, 2009, p. 81, Linzmayer, 2004). Mac was the principal standard advertiser for PCs is as yet a significant market player worldwide and it has become a specialty player by establishing the tone for convenience, creative structure and client reliability. Apple’s story is that erratic leisure activity machines that a most
The Skills Dilemma Skills Under-Utilisation and Low-Wage Work
The Skills Dilemma Skills Under-Utilization and Low-Wage Work A Bottom Ten Million Research Paper Jonny Wright and Paul Sissons January 2012 Contents 1. Presentation 2. Aptitudes under-use in the UK and low-wage work †the size of the difficult 3. The test of improving low-wage work: the job of abilities use 4. An investigation of abilities under-usage in two low-wage parts †retail and cordiality 5. Ends and strategy proposals Appendix I: Under-utilization of abilities in The Work Foundation’s Knowledge Workers Survey 8 11 17 27 32 List of Boxes, Figures and Tables Box 1: Approaches to aptitudes use Box 2: Summary discoveries: Drivers of abilities under-use in low-wage areas Figure 1: Percentage of representatives over and under-talented, by industry Figure 2: Percentage of representatives over and under-gifted, by occupation Figure 3: Employment by occupation in the retail division and the entire economy Figure 4: Employment by occupation in accommodation and the ent ire economy Table 1: Making awful employments great 5 23 10 18 20 16Acknowledgements This paper is distributed as a major aspect of our Bottom Ten Million research program. We might want to thank our supporters †Barrow Cadbury Trust, Private Equity Foundation, The Tudor Trust and Working Links. We might likewise want to thank the accompanying master interviewees: Prof. Ewart Keep, Thomas Baum, Dr. Odul Bozkurt, Michelle Irving, Anne Murphy, Aoife Ni Luanaigh, David Fuhr, Bob Butcher, Mike Darby Prof. Irena Grugulis, Katerina Rudiger, Linda McLeod, Marc Robertson, Kate Tetley, Prof. Dennis Nickson.Jonathan Wright has left The Work Foundation, the report doesn't speak to the perspective on his new businesses. This paper is the second in a progression of productions as a major aspect of The Work Foundation’s new research program, The Bottom Ten Million, which centers around the business possibilities of Britain’s low workers among now and 2020 and looks to distinguis h the need gauges that should be taken on the off chance that they are to partake in the wellsprings of development and success throughout the following decade. There are ten million individuals in Britain who as of now have yearly livelihoods of not exactly ? 5,000. The Bottom Ten Million program is supported by Working Links, The Tudor Trust, the Barrow Cadbury Trust and the Private Equity Foundation. 2 The Skills Dilemma 1. Presentation There is an abilities situation in the UK. Progressive governments have focussed on flexibly side measures to handle the UK’s aptitudes issues and to improve the nation’s universal monetary intensity. Be that as it may, in spite of expanded interest in abilities and instructive accomplishment, work profitability in the UK falls behind other comparator nations. Master Leitch’s survey of aptitudes found that the UK’s generally poor abilities base just records for around one fifth of the efficiency hole with nations, for e xample, Germany and France;2 with the rest for the most part owing to our poor record of ‘investing in physical capital, R&D and infrastructure’, however reporters have additionally recognized the significance of work association and employment configuration in boosting profitability. 3 This paper difficulties the verifiable presumption in much abilities approach making that the aptitudes issue lies exclusively on the flexibly side.Supply-side intercessions can surely help seriousness and furthermore have a significant effect on singular work showcase results; anyway in confinement they have not been adequate to close the profitability hole with contender countries. 4 We in this way contend more noteworthy consideration should be paid to the restricted interest for aptitudes. This contention isn't new, Wilson and Hogarth upheld this view in the mid 2000s,5 anyway affirmation of the issue in approach circles, and progress towards better interest side strategies, has been horrendously moderate. The UK faces critical abilities challenges.The recommendation of interest side concerns ought not be taken as inferring that there are not further enhancements that can be made in the gracefully of aptitudes. This is especially valid for the most reduced talented. Though the UK positions twelfth for significant level aptitudes in the OECD, it is further behind for middle level abilities (eighteenth) and for low aptitudes (seventeenth). 6 The flexibly of aptitudes has significant ramifications for the capacity of managers to enroll a reasonably qualified and talented workforce. Last year’s national business aptitudes review found that 19 percent of managers were experiencing an abilities hole. It is consequently certain that on-going endeavors to improve the gracefully of abilities stay significant. 8 However, there is a developing assortment of research contending that the aptitudes issue is connected not exclusively to abilities gracefully yet in addition to poor abilities use. For this examination we embrace a meaning of aptitudes usage that catches both the individual, firm level and potential national impacts, and which was created by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) who have as of late subsidized a program of 12 ventures which test various ways to deal with abilities utilisation.CFE (2008) Skills Utilization Literature Review, Scottish Government Social Research Leitch Review of Skills (2005) Skills in the UK: The drawn out test HM Treasury 3 Keep, E. , Mayhew, K. what's more, Payne, J. (2006) ‘From Skills Revolution to Productivity Miracle †not as simple as it sounds? ’ Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 22:4. 4 CFE (2008) Skills Utilization Literature Review, Scottish Government Social Research 5 Wilson, R. what's more, Hogarth, T. (Eds. (2003) Tackling the Low Skills Equilibrium: A Review of Issues and Some New Evidence Department of Trade and Industry 6 UKCES (2010) Ambition 2020 7 UKCES (2009) Nat ional Employer Skills Survey 8 Lawton, K. (2009) Nice Work If You Can Get It IPPR 1 2 The Skills Dilemma 3 Introduction Effective aptitudes usage is about: †¢ Confident, roused and appropriately gifted people who know about the abilities they gangs and expertise to best utilize them in the working environment. Working in: †¢ Workplaces that give important and proper consolation, opportunity and backing for representatives to utilize their abilities effectively.In request to: †¢ Increase execution and efficiency, improve work fulfillment and worker prosperity, and animate venture, endeavor and advancement. Past research by The Work Foundation has discovered that somewhere in the range of 35 and 45 percent of representatives feel their aptitudes are under-used. 9 Other representative studies, for example, the UK Skills Survey have detailed comparable outcomes. Abilities under-use is likewise increasingly common in low-wage areas. Business interest for aptitudes is least in segments, for example, retail and friendliness †those divisions which additionally utilize the most low-wage workers.Skills use matters for the UK economy, for bosses and for representatives. Right off the bat, despite the fact that the UK workforce has gotten progressively gifted as of late, the profitability hole with comparator nations remains. There is a developing group of research that contends that an interest side methodology is expected to help close the hole. Besides, better abilities use matters for businesses since it can bring about better propelled, certain and profitable workers and decrease staff turnover. Furthermore, ultimately, better aptitudes use can make work additionally fulfilling for representatives, and improve their possibilities for movement. 0 Therefore, inability to comprehend and address the abilities issue suitably won't just prevent the UK’s long haul development potential however may likewise hose social versatility. 9 10 Brinkley, I . et al. (2009) Knowledge Workers and Work The Work Foundation CFE (2008) Skills Utilization Literature Review Scottish Government Social Research The Skills Dilemma 4 Introduction Box 1: Approaches to abilities use One issue inborn in the aptitudes use motivation is that the term ‘skills utilisation’ is dependent upon a moderately wide assortment of definitions.These definitional issues are additionally displayed in useful aptitudes usage strategies, with the early assessment proof from Scotland proposing various pilot ventures inclined vigorously towards the flexibly side of aptitudes. There are likewise various ways to deal with aptitudes use †these have been assembled as market-driven, state-driven and comprehensive (see table beneath). These methodologies contrast in their center, fundamental drivers and models of conveyance just as in their expected outcomes.The following table gives a diagram of a portion of these distinctions with respect to both their exec ution and effect: Implementation of approaches Market driven Focus Driver Model Organization Business execution HPW Learning move Leadership and the board Employee trust State driven Organization National efficiency National procedure Workplace ventures Buy-in †bosses, representatives Holistic Industry/National thriving National methodology (joining procurement and use) Stakeholder commitment Sector wide undertakings FundEnablers Impact of approaches Market driven Take up Outcomes †monetary Low Profit Sales Productivity Job fulfillment Staff maintenance/inspiration Work heightening Employee purchase in State driven No proof Productivity Holistic No proof Use of assets Improved development Improved joint effort Outcomes †social Well-being Working conditions Equality and decent variety Buy-in Dissemination Limitations Broad methodology MeasurementS (Source: CFE, 2008)Generally abilities usage is introduced as a positive idea, albeit a few pundits seeing the idea in its broadest sense likewise contend that administration rehearses focused on purposely constraining the utilization of representatives aptitudes can likewise be instances of aptitudes use. The difficulties looked by low-wage laborers †remembering the under-usage of aptitudes for low-ability low-wage areas †are driven by numerous elements. There are powers both inside and outside of the work environment that shape under
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Construction Project Management Essay - 275 Words
Construction Project Management: Procurement and Contracts (Essay Sample) Content: Construction Project Management: Procurement and Contracts[Your Names][Names of your Institution][Date]IntroductionThere are a number of rules and regulations that guides the contract and tendering procedures that should be used by an employer in regard to tender issuance and acceptance. Traditionally, the contractor or supplier with the best overall score can win the tender. Nonetheless, it is not likely that a supplier with the lowest placed tender price automatically wins it because lowest price is not always the best value. Ideally, the best value for money is obtained after considering numerous factors including the economical expenditure and the ability of the supplier meeting certain specified requirements (MCCANLIS 1967).Tender issuance and acceptanceMaagaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s late tender bid can only be accepted if it is confirmed that there is no suspicion of fraudulent acts by any person. Maaga contractor being a leading firm in the UK, it is certain that they are t echnically competent and financially suitable and due to these qualities, they have good grounds of winning the tender. However, if the list of approved contractors contains contractors whose financial and technical capability is strong, and have met the specified requirement, they too stand an equal chance of securing the tender. This explains why Sanken contractors won the tender. They quoted a reasonable and fair price that would ensure value for money. If the Trust would have given chance to Maaga contractor, that would be have been illegitimate on the grounds of suspicion of fraudulent acts associated with it. It is likely that the other contractors in the competition were offering the best value for money, though not as low as Maaga firm. Additionally, they were financial and technically capable, and thus, had equal chances of winning the tender provided that they had met set requirements upfront and had handed in their bids in time (MCCANLIS 1967)..In consideration of the oth er prospect, Maaga firm cannot have a legal recourse against the employer for not winning the tender despite quoting the lowest price. This is attributed to the knowledge that the lowest price does often match the best value for money. In the essence, what matters is the best value which is determined by the ability of the contractor to meet to specified requirements and more so, quote a fair price that would be economical during service delivery. In as much as Maaga may have had the ability to match this, it missed it out because they did not submit their bid in time. Maagaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s late quotation would have been considered if and only if the other approved contractors did not meet the technical and financial requirements ahead of time. Sanken met all the above requirements and that is why they were given chance (LUPTON 2011).Time extensionSanken request for time extension during the construction period is in order regarding the JCT SBC/Q 2011 tutelage. Sanken possesses a site t hat a small bit of the work regarding laying of the pile foundation had commenced by a specialized piling contractor-Elison contractor. Later, Sanken discovers that the pile caps were not of correct design and size as per the design drawing requirements. The contractor takes the right step by informing the employer about the anomaly in writing. This is according to clause 2.14 that suggests that any form of errors, omissions, and inadequacies should be communicated to the contract administrator in a detailed notice, who, in return is expected to issue instructions regarding the same. The contractor envisages this as an error and inadequacy and goes ahead to replace the pile caps with new pile caps which interfere with its budget in regard to resources and time. The contractor requests for time extension as it pours concrete over two stages with a three day respite in between the stages (LUPTON 2011).It is, therefore, in order for Sanken to request for time extension since it encount ers a relevant event that causes delay of its operations. This kind of delay is linked to the employer since Metropolitan Electricals had initially contracted Elison to lay pile caps before Sanken took possession of the site. Elison did not construct pile caps to the correct specification and that is why Sanken embark in the repiling exercise which costs them time and strain their resources. The contractor runs ahead and serves the contract administrator with a written notice upfront about the anticipated delay because of laying new pile caps. Though carpeting with new piles was not part of the contact, Sanken expedite on this job so that it can deliver quality job at the end.This provision of time extension is significant to both the employer and the contractor since it determines who is to bear the loss or if the loss incurred should be shared. For this matter, Metropolitan Electricals have caused the delay, though indirectly. If they would have allowed Sanken to carry out the who le exercise starting from construction of piling foundation to the completion of all contractual activities, then there would be no complaints. Metropolitan Electricals, in this case, is considered to have delayed the contractor and should, therefore, bear these losses and more so, be ready to reimburse Sanken for the damages incurred. Nonchalantly, Sanken request for time extension is clever since it aspires to evade the liquidation damages that the employer may charge it (LUPTON 2011).Sanken contractors are entitled to installation of customer lifts according to the contractual agreement. This job, which is scheduled to be done by a certain subcontractor, is hampered because of poor measurements of the lift shaft dimensions resulting to incorrect size that stalls their installation. Sanken later discovers that the poor interpretation in the design drawings is the cause of all this. Nonetheless, the contract administrator issues an instruction to rectify this which is in order with the clause 2.12 to enable the contactor to finish its job within a reasonable time. Sanken, therefore, invests its seven days in the correction of this inadequacy. This, however, are not good grounds for Sanken to request for compensation of additional expenses incurred because this is considered as a variation of job that has been caused by an error in the design of lifts shaft dimension and should not, in any way lead to the addition of the contract sum as per JCT clause 2.17 provision. The clause states that any kind of modification, correction or alteration should be deciphered as variation.On the other hand, Sanken have good grounds of launching a time extension claim. The contractor took seven days to rectify the mess and consequently, culminating to unplanned delay. Sanken had to deviate from its normal program in order to rectify this anomaly. In as much as the delay was neither caused by the employer or the contractor, it is considered as a neutral event whose damages sho uld be shared. It is, therefore, in order for the contract administrator to issue a positive instruction regarding time extension so that Sanken can bounce back to its master program and complete the job as per the contractual requirement.When the construction is fifty percent away from completion, the contract administrator issues an instruction for testing which is not in resonance with the original contract. Even though no anomalies are found, Sanken thinks that much time and resources are invested in the same and logs a compensation call on top of another time extension. According to the contractor, testing in some way orchestrates the delay in the construction of the new structure. Moreover, the testing activity can be deciphered as a relevant event as stipulated in sub-clauses 2.29.1 to 2.29.7 and can be used to justify a time extension. This move by Sanken is clever because the testing provision is not encompassed in the original contract. Testing can, therefore, serve as hug e impedance towards Sankenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s targets and it could use this ground to request for the loss and damages incurred as a result of this. Additional time should be granted by the contract administrator because this delay is caused by the employer and he should be ready to bear the damages which are in cy...
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Natalie Uy Internal Medicine, Obsessive Cooking Disorder
This interview is the latest in an blog series featuring interviews with medical school applicants and students, offering readers a behind-the-scenes look at top medical schools and the med school application process. And now, introducing Natalie Uy†¦ Accepted: Wed like to get to know you! Where are you from? Where and what did you study as an undergrad? Natalie: Howdy! I was born in New York but grew up most of my life in San Antonio, Texas. I went to Stanford University in California (the best college ever in my humble opinion) where I got a dual degree with a BS in Biology and a BA in Art Practice, graduating in the c/o 2012. Accepted: Where are you currently in med school? What year? Natalie: I am currently a 3rd year at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. Accepted: If you could change one thing about med school, what would it be? Natalie: There isnt really anything that Id change honestly. I really like how my medical education has been structured – here we have 1.5 years of pre-clinics and 2.5 years of clinical rotations. My least favorite part is studying for boards. I know its a rite of passage, but Step 1 is something Id rather not endure again! Accepted: Whats been your favorite rotation so far? Do you think this is what youll eventually specialize in? Natalie: Its been surprisingly hard to say. I started off with psychiatry thinking I wouldnt like it, but it was a great experience. My first clinical experience as a young MS2 was interviewing a psychotic patient in the county hospital ER – nothing teaches you the DSMV criteria for schizophrenia better than the patient himself. Similarly, I thought I wouldnt like surgery but seriously considered it after I had particularly exceptional teachers in vascular and ENT. Ive decided to go into Internal Medicine – not because of my specific rotation per se, but because of what I felt was the best fit for me. I think when choosing a specialty its important to look at the specialty itself and filter out biases like the hospitals, the attendings, the residents, etc. I knew I needed a lot of interaction with patients and decided to stay with the cerebral side of medicine. I liked the variety of diseases in IM and although I enjoyed a pediatrics a lot, I liked being able to directly converse with my adult patients. I also knew I want to have a family in the future and be involved with raising my kids, so it was also a flexible choice. I will probably further subspecialize in IM, but exactly when remains to be seen. Accepted: Did you go straight from college to med school? How would you advise others who are deciding between taking a gap year or not? Natalie: Although many people from Stanford take a gap year, I went straight. I knew exactly what I wanted to do – be a doctor! – so I was ready to start medical school, and I dont regret not having a gap year. Taking a gap year is always a personal decision of course. My friends who took gap years did it because they were burnt out from school or wanted to strengthen their applications with research or boost their GPA or have other life experiences first. I dont know anyone who regretted taking a gap year, so I dont think its ever a bad idea. The only thing to consider is that the longer you wait, the harder it may be in getting back into the habit of classes and exams, as some of my older classmates were 5-10 years out from college. Accepted: Can you tell us about your food blog? Is there any connection to your passion for medicine in your blog? Can you direct us to your three favorite posts? Natalie: Oh yes – to take time off from studying, I run a food blog called Obsessive Cooking Disorder (fondly known as OCD). I started it just prior to medical school to document recipes I tried and liked, but its definitely grown; all the photography and writing is done by me. The art of food photography – styling to make the food look amazing is always a fun artistic challenge. Ill write about a variety of topics – history and tips on a particular food, funny conversations with friends and family, and often, stories on my medical journal. Its also nice because I can share with other fellow students what life is like – good days and bad – as well as document how I felt on a given rotation. Medical school goes by in a flash, and I want to remember every moment of it – from preclinicals and clinics to studying for boards to Match Day! Here are a few recipes about my medical journey. †¢Ã‚ Crostini †¢Ã‚ Black Forest Cake (Schwarzwà ¤lder Kirschtorte) †¢Ã‚ Ben and Jerrys Cherry Garcia †¢Ã‚ Cinnamon Craisin Walnut Sourdough †¢Ã‚ All American Brownies †¢ Mocha Cupcakes with Kahlua Buttercream Accepted: How have you shared your love of food with your patients / the Medical Center/ the Houston community? Natalie: Ive been able to channel my culinary skills with patients as one of the leaders for CHEF (Choosing Healthy, Eating Fresh), our student organization promoting wellness and nutrition. We run an amazing unique cooking elective where trained chefs teach our medical students how to cook (we cook 3 course meals right at Baylor over the course of a semester) and started a Farmers Market co-op for the medical center. We also do hands-on cooking classes with adolescents at Texas Childrens Hospital Bariatric program and Rice Universitys PAIR refugee program at local high schools. Weve have cooking demonstrations at numerous community health fairs and wellness races, which people always love. Ive been lucky to be incredibly involved with both the student and the greater community through cooking I love writing up new recipes and educating patients on healthy options! No matter what the age, race/culture, or location of your patients, everyone loves to eat, so its a great bond. Accepted: Looking back at the med school admissions process, what would you say was your greatest challenge? What steps did you take to overcome that challenge? Natalie: The most difficult part was doing everything while I was currently a college student. Because I didnt take a gap year, I didnt have as much time to get things like research publications on my resume or study as much for my MCAT. I had to study for my MCAT in the midst of applying for research grants, getting my honors thesis proposal ready, and taking an enormous load of courses because of my dual degree (I completed 5 years of courses in 4 years). Time management was definitely key, but it prepared me very well for medical school. Accepted: Do you have any tips for incoming first year students? What do you wish you wouldve known before starting med school to make your transition easier? Natalie: The most difficult part of adjusting to med school is realizing that not only is everyone incredibly smart, everyone is also so hard working. Dont stress if youre not in the top of your class anymore – just strive to be the best doctor you can be. I encourage people not to see fellow medical students as competition, but as future colleagues and co-workers. After all, youd want to refer your grandmother to the best doctors in the future – your classmates! Definitely the most important thing is to have a work-life balance. I make a point to exercise daily, cook/bake with my blog and make artwork. Also remember to have fun and socialize – I could not have made it without my significant other, friends, and family. Medicine is a journey, not a destination! For one-on-one guidance on your med school applications, please see our catalog of med school admissions services. You can follow Natalie’s med school adventure by checking out her blog, Obsessive Cooking Disorder. Thank you Natalie for sharing your story with us! Do you want to be featured in Accepted.coms blog, Accepted Admissions Blog? If you want to share your med school journey with the world (or at least with our readers), email us at Related Resources: †¢ Navigating the Med School Maze †¢Ã‚ Insights of an M3 at the UNC School of Medicine †¢ Residency Admissions: What if I Didnt Match
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Femme Fatale Alex Forrest Lady Bertilak Alyson of...
Since the beginning of time, women have been seen as different from men. Their beauty and charms have been interpreted as both endearing and deadly to men. In the Bible, it was Eve’s mistake that led to humanity’s exile from the Garden of Eden. However, unlike in the Bible, in today’s world, women who drive men to ruin do not do so through simple mistakes and misunderstandings, they do so while fully aware of what effects their sexuality can cause. One thing remains constant through these portrayals of women, and that is that they are portrayed as flawed creations and therefore monstrous. It is a woman’s sex drive and sexuality that can lead to her monstrosity. The femme fatale is an enticing, exquisitely beautiful, erotic character who†¦show more content†¦She seduces him, pursues him on the phone, and informs him that she is going to have the child of his that she is carrying, kidnaps his daughter, Ellen, and finally breaks into his home wieldin g a huge butcher knife. At each juncture, Dan is helpless to prevent this incremental invasion, though he confesses cries, yells at detectives, and tucks his daughter into bed, exhibiting all the characteristics of the perfect husband and father of the eighties.†(117) Ellis states that Alex behave this way because Dan was denying her in his life. She just wants to be part of his world. For this reason, she is willing to commit murder in order to take over as Dan’s wife further contributes to her monstrosity. Alex’s actions may be monstrous, but they do bring up an interesting double standard, she is blamed for seducing Dan into having an affair, but he is not blamed for having been unfaithful to his wife. In this way, it is implied that a woman has a power over a man that she is not allowed to exercise, and a man tempted by a woman should not be held accountable for his actions. According to Ellis, â€Å"I dont have a hopeful note on which to end, but Id like to leave you with the possibility that the women in Fatal Attraction embody what yet remains to be done. For the phenomenon of Alex Forrest does not leave Beth Gallagher free of monstrosity by the end of the movie. (Ellis 120) Alex monstrosity is shown at the
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