Monday, November 18, 2019

John F. Kennedy, the Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

John F. Kennedy, the Film - Essay Example Kennedy. Overtime, there have been numerous theories and wild speculation as to what and who was really behind the events of that fateful day. Some of these are brought out in Oliver Stone’s 1991 film, JFK. In this movie, the producer outlines some of the events following the infamous assassination through his eyes. It is a film that has been met with a great deal of criticism, with critics dismissing Oliver as a conspiracy peddler. This essay examines some of the controversy surrounding the movie and outlines the criticisms advanced against it. In the film, the primary theory advanced by Oliver Stone is that the assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, did not act alone. Following the murder of John Kennedy, there were brisk investigations into the occurrence. Earl Warren, the then Supreme Court Justice presided over the hearings. In the end, the commission drew the conclusion that Lee Oswald did, in fact carry out the assassination by himself (Knight, 62). For this reason, it does not c ome as a surprise that there is controversy surrounding the suggestion by Oliver Stone that Lee Oswald was just a pawn in the plot to assassinate the president. In the movie, Oliver Stone brings out the conspiracy angle, arguing that there were many people that wanted to see the president dead, including the Mafia, the next president, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and the CIA (Stone â€Å"JFK).

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